Sunday, June 25, 2006


Do we love any less because we can't be what the world wants us to be? Do we hurt less? Something so beautiful, turned ugly. 'Hate each other' they say. 'Bite the backs, and the hands that feed' they say. In a world full of malicious monsters, scurrilous savages, and hungry hellhounds we are the ones held up to make others feel give counterfeit peace. 'They're what's wrong with us' they say. Can love have so many rules? Can rules be so void of love? They poke, they prod, they demand answers. They chase us with torches over hill and dale...we run. They fire slings and arrows...we run. Up the stairs of the old mill of life they chase. 'Kill them' they say. 'Different is evil' they chant. Higher and higher they push. Why can't they live and let love? Out the window is the only way. 'Die' they scream. Do we fall? Do we die? Not today. Today we jump. And today...we fly. Love is love, no matter how ugly.


Blogger fjl said...

Jees, you are up against it poor sweetheart.

Ah I see it differently, hence these carefulnesses in my life.. and perhaps, my distress when someone with an agenda kicks that carefulness around.

Rules keep the one child left behind out of the Kingdom, and keep Alice beyond the tiny little door leading to Wonderland. They are there to be worked around, to be got through. They can always be broken, there is always a key that turns the lock, but you must use ingenuity.

You can't open these doors with riots and a battering ram, though there will always, always be those who'll try.

Yes, there are astoundinlyg beautiful secrets behind those doors so securley closed! I don't say ' 'give up.' Yet if you don't chose the long term way of peace, if your solution isn't real, then the doors will stay closed for a long time.

And in the unhappy times, we sort out days of joy. I am renegotiating how to bring some more secrets out of Special Branch.

Thanks so much Jase for all your kind encouragement in the progress.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a time when I believed every word you wrote, you wrote for me ... but then I realized, that you told ever lamb that your words were for them. You told them all, look, see, this is me, this is what I wrote for thee. There was a time that I believed the words you spoke, had never been spoken before, that you loved me above all, our souls linking as never before. But then I turned and saw, that you had lined them up along the way - the many She's in your trees. I ask myself Why most of the time. And a million she's reply, Because he loves me.

While I, sit waiting for you with my feet dangling over the pier. Waiting for you. Why, Peter? asked Wendy.

Because I need to be free, he replied, flying out the window.

And with those words, he shot his Wendy Bird down from the sky.

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jason-

Found you on the web after the hubby started his own MySpace and we looked for alumni of good ol' LHHS. Seems like a lot has happened in your life since we were last in contact-- I hope that you are well and that the trip has been good to you! Your words are touching-- definitely keep it up. We should chat sometime and catch up more-- although, I'm not really sure how to get ahold of you-- but, I'll check back later-- 'til then, take care, dear!

10:09 PM  

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