Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Leap Year

Well it's one year later. In a way, I'm right back where I started having come full circle. I don't think I can point to any 365 day period of my life where I've grown more. In that time my world has been turned upside down. Thankfully, it feels like it has turned rightside up once again. So many lessons learned. So many bridges burned. But in the end so very much stronger because of it. I now look to the future with hope. My fire has been rekindled. My spirit recharged. The future is pregnant with possibilities. I can hardly wait.


Blogger Tiffany Dyer-Bird said...

Dear Journeyman -

I have been reading your blog for a few days over a year now. Does it not feel like a lifetime between then and I wanted to let you know that I have been intrigued by your writing. I also wanted you to know that I have read your words enthralled. I have checked your blog everyday since the day you discovered me ... or rather, since I discovered you. Your life has captivated my attention. I have cried for you, jumped up for joy, held my breath afraid for you ... and look at you ... now.

I think that along the way, I have managed to have quite the journey myself. I write in a few blogs, and, well, I wrote a book that was published a month after I first started reading your life.

You have inspired so much of my own writing. I sometimes feel that you are writing my life, or I am writing yours.

In the process, I managed to grow quite smitten with you. I know it sounds so silly ... but I really believe that maybe, well, maybe we should meet somewhere. Wherever you are, it really doesn't matter, I will meet you. I just have this strange and supernatural kind of feeling that we are supposed to know one another.

You remind me of Thoreau's words: Do not worry that you build your castles in the clouds, that is where they are meant to be, now, put a foundation beneath them. In so many ways, I feel that you wrote me into existance, or perhaps I wrote you, and now we might have a crossing of paths to put reality beneath the mystical connection we seem to share.

Fellow dreamer, seer, believer, journeyman, I need to tell you that I admire your courage so much, and if it helps to know that your changes are real and remarkable, if I, perhaps mirror back to you what I see, or more accurately, who you are, then I will tell you: You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen. On every level. You are remarkably strong, gentle, kind, loving, courageous, heroic, brave, humble ... and .... pure. Purely powerful. And purely pure.

Ever since the day I began reading this blog, I have felt that I know you. In fact, I feel that I have always known you ... and, call me silly, or purely romantic, or purely, passionately hopeful, but I feel that ... you might well be the golden thread that led me to Paris and into the country, through the City, and into the desert ...

I have this feeling that you are currently in the process of true Truth and true Being. I can only say, Believe. Believe and Hope. And wonder, and love, and feel, and know ....

So ... I have so much more to say to you. I always do. Even if in my sleep, or inside my head. I would truly like to continue witnessing your life. I would like for your feedback on mine. I would like someone to take notice of me, as well. If you don't think this invitation too strange, maybe, just maybe we could meet at a bookstore. Tell me where on Heaven or Earth you exist, and I will rush to meet you, by Orient Express if I have to...

Oh, dear dreamer, I have such lots of stories to share with you.

Finally stepping into the Light, out of the Shadows -

The Newly Invented Twilight

PS: If it helps to know something about me, I enjoy yoga, museums, wolves, new york ... and um, well, own a washboard, if that appeals to you.

Hold on. Hold On. Hold On.

Here we go... I won't let go ....

10:17 PM  

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