Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Long Way

I take the long way home.

I always have. Since I was in third grade and walked three blocks out of my way from school everyday just to pass by the lake. To this day I still drive on streets out of my way just to see the park. The only reason I bring it up is because I first became aware of it today. So how does something this major go by undetected for all these years? Let's look a little deeper.

Perhaps, the long way home is not just a longer way to get home, but a philosophy. A lifestyle. A revolution. Maybe it's a way to tell the world that you're not afraid to explore him. Maybe it's a way to tell time that you're not afraid to steal some of her.

I also believe that the long way home is that way for a reason. To discourage those who aren't ready for it. Being the long way home ensures that the lazy, the weak, and the easily discouraged never even attempt it.

Yes, I take the long way home.


Blogger anti-life said...

I really like your blog! Do you have an email? I'd really like to chat with you. I promise I am not some crazed psycho. If you want to email me it is
bye. hope to hear from you.
P.S. I like to write poetry too.
I have gotten a few published. No joke.

12:58 PM  
Blogger fjl said...

Telling time you're not afraid to steal. Good one.
I make demands on time, and that's what I needed to hear, today. That it's a good thing. I spend time I'm told I don't have. My friends and colleagues can dump me. Its all about results, results, results- they want them faster. They steal from each other, people don't give one another the time to produce quality work. But quality and rarity takes time, it's a lesson and a sacrifice that I'm learning. I take from time, I give quality back.

9:52 AM  

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