Friday, March 24, 2006


Here I sit
Wondering how even the very rain can decide to lash out against me
Wondering what I've done to deserve this deluge
This hydrous onslaught
And just as I adjust to the feeling... it changes
It falls harder
It falls faster
It starts to cut through my skin
It enters my blood and begins to burn
The burning hurts
Yet is oddly familiar
And then it hits me
I have the blood of the phoenix coursing through my veins
Now if I can just learn to fly high above the rainclouds


Blogger fjl said...

I really love this one. Especially the contrast between the sweetheart in the deluge and the Phoenix. You know, I'm tired too, of flying so high with a broken wing. I feel weary of finding no homely place to rest, and wonder if I've been too near the sun xx

9:11 AM  

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