Sunday, June 25, 2006


Do we love any less because we can't be what the world wants us to be? Do we hurt less? Something so beautiful, turned ugly. 'Hate each other' they say. 'Bite the backs, and the hands that feed' they say. In a world full of malicious monsters, scurrilous savages, and hungry hellhounds we are the ones held up to make others feel give counterfeit peace. 'They're what's wrong with us' they say. Can love have so many rules? Can rules be so void of love? They poke, they prod, they demand answers. They chase us with torches over hill and dale...we run. They fire slings and arrows...we run. Up the stairs of the old mill of life they chase. 'Kill them' they say. 'Different is evil' they chant. Higher and higher they push. Why can't they live and let love? Out the window is the only way. 'Die' they scream. Do we fall? Do we die? Not today. Today we jump. And today...we fly. Love is love, no matter how ugly.

Fighting for Five

You make lemonade taste like Sunday afternoon with our feet off the pier.

You make sweaters look like lying in a pile of leaves in the cool breeze.

You make laughter sound like the language of angels.

You make roses smell like a thousand forgotten cottages.

You make God feel like he got something right.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Poor little boy. They didn't tell you did they?
Trying so hard for peace. For happiness. Why won't they like you?
They didn't tell you did they?
Bombs don't just kill the one they're meant to.
Curing disease by killing the patients.
They didn't tell you did they?
If only you'd talked to Luke first, he would have told you.
He would have told you Chapter and Verse of what to do.
Pity. You thought you knew the answers. Held the keys.
Little boys always learn though.
Nothing is sadder than a dreamer.
It's just a good thing they caught you in time. All is not lost.
Little boys always learn that chains hurt less when you don't pull against them.
Just in time.
Thank goodness.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Father's Time

Only by the benefit of countless years do I know the secret to becoming a wise old man: I've made so many mistakes that I know exactly what not to do.

Only by the benefit of countless years do I know the secret to becoming a happy old man: Given the choice, I wouldn't change a thing.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Shimmering bands of light. Leaping, dancing, frolicking in the ether. Happy to be so luminous. Reaching triumphantly to the four corners of the earth. Having my warm presence felt by so many. Outstretching my arms of light in a final fiery yawn to the world before retiring to my bed of stars. Resting peacefully in the comforting knowledge that I had brought direction and a guiding force to countless souls. Ah, to be a sunset.

And not so much a man.